Allo everyone, I wish I had a happy update, I kind of do but I do not at the same time, I managed to get an extension for the month of december but we haven't found anywhere... sort of...
I'm on the waitlist with housing but they said that could take six months to three years -despite- the pressing urgency of my current situation. so.. that's... very unfortunate...
my friend told -her- landlord about the situation but the only unit he had available had been -utterly wrecked- by the previous tenant so he's been in a mad scramble to finish it ... or at least mostly finish it before we can move into it and it's starting to look like it won't be done in time and yeah i just.. i just don't know at this point because literally nothing else has really popped up at all.
eta - but merry christmas and happy other holidays to all and joyous novalia and all that, i at least managed to push it back by another month .. well.. about a week left now but still. i managed to at least keep a roof over our heads a little longer than i thought i'd be able to a couple months ago. so that's something.