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What Would You Do If...

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Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby npixelz » Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:17 am

Let's plays. I already play games so it's perfect. I'd also maybe do top 10 lists. Like top 10 Pokemon shinies I would change, Absol, for example. I'd change Absols shiny to be a switch of the black and white.

What would you do if you could travel into fictional universes, which universe would you go to?
1 the Harry Potter universe.
2 the Pokemon universe.
3 the Marvel universe.
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Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Fri Apr 24, 2020 1:35 pm

The Pokemon is safer there.

What would you do if you got a piece of mail that didn't belong to you:
1. Throw it out, after all it isn't yours
2. Stick it back into a collection box, you don't want anyone to know you had it.
3. Write "wrong address" and give it back to your carrier?
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Local time: Wed Dec 04, 2024 11:58 am

Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby Polaris » Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:59 pm

3. Write "wrong address" and give it back to your carrier

Rather than write on it though, I'd probably put a sticky note on it or tape it. If the address is near me though, say the house/apartment next door or a few houses down from mine, I'd probably leave it on the person's doorstep.

What would you do if you could have one superpower for a day, which one would you choose?
1) Power of flight
2) Power of supersonic speed
3) Power of telekinesis (aka move things with your mind)
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Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby npixelz » Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:54 am

Flight. Telekinesis would be cool, and probably more useful, but I've flown in dreams before (albeit in a weird way) and those dreams have always felt amazing.

If you had a superpower related to travel, which would you want?
1 flight
2 super speed
3 teleportation
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Local time: Wed Dec 04, 2024 1:58 pm

Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby Nek0Nerd0 » Sat Apr 25, 2020 11:54 am

I wanna fly. Teleportation means that I have to prepare closer to the event start, and that makes me anxious.
And speed means that I get wind on my face. So yeah.

What would you do if it starts raining food? What are you going to do with this food?
1. Foods are made to be consumed.
2. Take them in for research, what's inside the food?
3. You'll be too scared to go outside to look. Since you know that raining food is unusual.
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Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby npixelz » Mon Apr 27, 2020 5:50 am

Foods are made to be consumed

If you were forced to use an unforgivable curse on someone, which would you do?

1 Imperius curse
2 Cruciatus curse
3 Killing curse
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Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby Nek0Nerd0 » Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:43 pm

I'll go with the imperius curse since physical pain is not justified and killing curse has no resolve.

How do you cook your eggs?
1. Break and fry, fried egg
2. Scrambled egg
3. I boil eggs
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Local time: Wed Dec 04, 2024 8:58 pm

Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby npixelz » Fri May 01, 2020 4:02 am

Personally I break and fry, because I know how to, but I prefer them scrambled.

How do you like your steak?
1 rare.
2 well done.
3 medium.
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Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby Polaris » Thu Sep 10, 2020 6:31 pm

Ehhh well medium-rare usually, but since I gotta pick from the list the closest thing would be 3) Medium!
(blue rare steak is just a no-no, oof)

What would you do if, for one week, you could only eat one of these food dishes, and which would you choose?
1) Tacos (includes all taco variants, but ONLY the tacos)
2) Pizza (any toppings of your choice)
3) Cake (any flavor of cake + buttercream/frosting)
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Local time: Wed Dec 04, 2024 2:58 pm

Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby npixelz » Fri Sep 11, 2020 5:25 am

Tacos because they seem healthiest. Like I could put salad in there for greens.

What would you do if you had to sing a song, which kind of song would you sing?

The one with high notes.
The one with low notes.
The one with medium notes with a tiny bit of high and low notes.
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Local time: Wed Dec 04, 2024 1:58 pm

Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby Polaris » Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:35 pm

The medium notes with tiny bits of high and low notes --> I have a better chance of hitting at least 50% of the notes that way xD

What would you do if you were forced to sleep (under a curse or something) for an extended period of time but had the choice to choose, how long would you sleep for?
1) 10 years
2) 100 years
3) 1000 years

*note - when you sleep your body remains the same as when you first slept, but everything else around you ages of course
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Local time: Wed Dec 04, 2024 2:58 pm

Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby npixelz » Sat Sep 12, 2020 5:47 am

10 years maybe. Or 100. I'm not too sure. I want to see the advancements of the future, but I also want to be able to see my family again.

What Pokemon would you want following you?
The grass starter.
The water starter.
The fire starter.
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Local time: Wed Dec 04, 2024 1:58 pm

Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby Polaris » Sat Sep 12, 2020 9:35 am

Water starter!! Ahh they're always my go-to when starting up a new pokemon game heh, though surprisingly my best pokemon team so far has an Infernape (fire starter - chimchar) from my Pokemon Platinum game

What would you do if you lived on a planet with an eternal night (no sun, just the moon(s)), would you:
1) Rejoice!! I am a creature of the night anyway lol
2) Try and find a way back to Earth/off the planet --> I need my sun!
3) Stay on the planet but try to figure out why there's an eternal night and make it so that they have a day/night cycle (i.e. find its "sun")
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Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby npixelz » Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:33 am

Personally I don't know which starter I'd pick, lol. I think Platinum was my first Pokemon game.

Number three my lord! (Please say you get the reference!)

What super power would you want if you had the choice?
Super strength, speed, and endurance.
Super mental strength and IQ.
A little bit of both but less than either extreme.
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Re: What Would You Do If...

Postby Polaris » Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:57 am

(Took me a while, but eventually I got it xD - also loved Philoneas' mirror breaking lol)

Ooh hmm, a little bit of both would be nice! It's cool to get a bit of both worlds.

What would you do if you had the chance to spend an entire day in any time period/era of your choice?
-Would your take up the offer to live in the same era as your favorite historical figure?
-Or would you pass it up?
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Local time: Wed Dec 04, 2024 2:58 pm


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