by XoGIZMOoX » Sun Jun 26, 2016 7:30 pm
I noticed it cut half of my words off I guess I put too many on a line o.o that laptop was weird it didn't seem to go to the next line when our box here runs out but I did find most years of spelling bees puts odd words in your head that you have never heard of but I admit about 50 of the words was with help of two elderly retired English major college professors that also corrected me that some of my list was misspelled and or not really words so I had to edit those plus they schooled me on definitions oh my word , you don't know what gfdghhgfdfvfg means I'm like um I have never heard that word they are like but this actor said it in the old black and white picture show (movie ir flick ) and I am I'm only in my 30s our tv was COLOR