Currently seeking event items Minecraft guild Owner of many titles Creator of many forum games The Fairy Garden is my main place, but you'll also find me in other hangouts Lastly, much love to everyone, and remember; Positive Mental Attitude! Keep being awesome
Well, we all know development time is a joke as games are insta-finished! So all you need to do is go and get it. Just show up at the office, throw a fit, and maybe bribe them with cake into submission and handing it over.
Use a time machine to speed up the cooling process!
I'd like it of Disney would have given the go ahead for the spin off series Varian and the Seven Kingdoms, based around the character Varian from the Tangled show way back when the idea was introduced
This is the perfect problem for a time machine to solve. Just go back in time, cosplay as Varian, and make your way like Flynn atop the building, look into each window until you find the execs. Then bust in impressively and show them how good it will be!
Man, I really am curious how the Gone series would've been as a show. Like, instead we got The 100. Now I wish they went through with a show for it. I'm left wondering... What would've been?
Surely there's a mushroom for that? Of course, no one would talk about it... The government keeps that on lock down. Or we'd run out. So, just try every mushroom you come across!
Once again, I find myself facing skipping work with a cat in the lap... Or going to work with no cat in lap. Whatever shall I do?