mdom: well I know Gizzie set it up so you can view and feed her pets so maybe just have a link set up so we can veiw and feed your pets while you are gone. Are you not going to be able to use your phone to get onto Windlyn while you are gone? It was written on some post how to do it...not sure where though? On the how to care for you pet maybe? Gizzie would know. I viewed her pets by linking on it.
I bought an egg and only incubated it twice and it's ok at 0. I think eggs are fine until they hatch and once they do you have to make sure you keep it fed or put it in a hotel.
wow, look how pretty the blue on the tail of your beta fish looks, watery, it really stands out! I think I may just have to spend some time playing with the different fish colors and outfits.
I don't mind if you chat in this thread or if you pass on the roll - I just don't want you to forget to roll and miss out on a chance for extra feathers.