No more sliding
/scribbles furiously
You hunt down the Steward. With her help, you find the person who brought the service cart to Lady Pengwing's cabin. Shortly after, you sit down to question Rue M. Surviss, the employee of the month for the thirty eighth time. Rue says she brought in the cart with tea and some sandwiches at 8:00 in the morning. Her services no longer needed, Rue went on to make other deliveries. She did not return for the cart, as the procedure for the penthouse cabin is to wait until the dishes are put in the hallway to clear them as to not disturb the VIP guests.
You ask whether anyone entered or left Lady Pengwing's cabin at the time. Rue says Lady Pengwing was the only one in the room, and still in bed. She didn't see anyone enter Lady Pengwing's cabin while she was there, but saw a few passengers were hanging about in the halls as she made her deliveries. She names off Warble-Click Petoot, a Skrawk in a neighbouring cabin, and Mr. Felix Whiskers who is staying on deck 2.
It would be a good idea to investigate the parties seen near the room.
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