Lady Pengwing walks to the door of her cabin and starts to duck under the caution tape. You, a responsible investigator trying to protect the integrity of the scene, stop her just in time.
You shout after her, “N-no Lady Pengwing, ma’am… You can’t come in here.”
She shrugs off your hand, “Nonsense! This is MY cabin! I’ll come in here if I please!”
You try your best to explain, “You don’t understand ma’am.. this is an active investigation...”
She is clearly not listening, “Well, you don’t look all that active, I’ll just be a moment. I need to change into my dinner clothes.”
You try to explain in a way she might understand, “Lady Pengwing, I insist! You will disturb the evidence! You can not come in here! You will just have to wear the clothes you already have on!”
Lady Pengwing sways dramatically, “What did you say? Oh! Someone get my smelling salts….” she slides to the floor, “This is a catastrophe! A tragedy! My poor clothing!!! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO WEAR NOW?”
She starts sobbing loudly.
You, unsure what to do exactly begin to try to comfort the Pengwing, “I’m sure you will be fi-“
Lady Pengwings wails even louder. You think she sounds exactly like the early warning sirens in your hometown.
Some nearby guests opened their doors at the racket and watched your exchange with Lady Pengwing.
A few stumbled out to help you calm Lady Pengwing down, “Get yourself together! You’ll figure something out!!!”. Lady Pengwing demanded to see your manager, making you out to be the bad guy. You try to tell her you do not actually have a manager, you are a passenger too. She demands to see the captain so that she can complain about how "unprofessional" you, the staff, were towards her, but the captain can’t do anything about that. The nearby passengers try to distract her and quickly begin organizing a clothing drive for her, but they soon realize that there weren’t any guests as petite as Lady. The only solution is that the guests create a new wardrobe for her. She needs formal, casual, and swim attire.
Can you help?