galled For me, Prometheus and Covenant just kinda ruined the series.
- Sure the new Neomorphs were cool. But they ruined it when they started eating humans and we didn't get to see that epic fight between a Neomorph and a Xenomorph
Indiana Jones is an amazing franchise. The Crystal Skull movie wast that bad. Plus it was epic in the Indiana Jones Lego video game. But I don't think anything they'll try to pull off in te next movie will be any good...
Fair play to Ridely Scott. He tried something different with Cov. but it wasn't really...
David/ Walter.... I just... Whoo
I wanna take the cute lil' protagonist cinnamon roll outta there, wrap her up in a warm blanket, give her a warm drink and get her seen to by a psychologist.
Cov. would've been a great movie on its own, as in: No neo's, no xeno's, but similar aliens. Just not part of the Alien franchise. It certainly cleared up a few things storyline related
- Elizabeth Shaw though ;-;
But for me, Alien will always be the best movie. Ripley and Jonesy are the best