by Lemon Cheesecake » Sat Aug 12, 2017 8:32 am
Kit: I had trouble with the game at first - clear your browser. We had a guess the Assasin game (not sure on the title of the thread) on here before you guys could revive it.
Ryvvi: oh no! But hopefully you can score that again.
MUR: don't just click on anything! That will lower your score.Don't send those scores, play again for a better score!
Watery: play a few rounds before you send if you aren't getting a good score. The list of items to click on in the room change around (listed on the bottom of the screen) but where they are in the room stays the same.
Akuyi - it may be one clue a day? But it looks like you have to play the games for it to register in your notebook.