The eve of the fifth night arises, as the moon glows brightly in the sky. You feel as though this might be all over soon.. Soon.. Exhaustion creeps up on the Windlyn survivors, having battled zombies and kept them at bay from the town for so long. Except that one.. Yet nobody ever knows what happened to it..
Like clockwork, and like every night, a set of zombies begins clawing their way from the damp earth.
C2 comes one, grotesque and reeking of rotting flesh.
Nobody sees this zombie emerge, as it quietly creeps off into the night.. Not another one! Well, let's pray nothing happens.. Although there is an uneasy feeling in the air.
The second lets out a loud screech into the air, at
A3. An angry look crosses it's face as it goes for the nearest person!
Sanchicho, Ryvvi, and Maro high-five! They already know what to do.
The last growls and comes fumbling forward out of
MystMist swings around and lops off the zombie's head with a fair swing, then finishes it off. Dead!
Maro, and
MystMist all earn 20