Valentine Strange wrote:Eggs, I cannot eat eggs. They make me terribly ill and cause me to become very lethargic and the only way that I end up feeling better after eating them is sleeping the affects off. I don't have any allergy meds and things like probiotics and yogurt don't help with it either. I can eat baked goods though. So eggs don't bother me when they are in something.
Oh my goodness! I recently discovered that eggs make me really sick. I get nauseous, only want to lie down, vomit everywhere, and my hands itch. I am also okay to eat them as long as they are in baked goods! I found I can also eat the whites alone. I haven't tried the yolks alone yet, but they're supposedly not good for you to eat many of, and I don't like eggs that much anyways lol.
I am so surprised at how common an allergy it is!
From what I was reading, many people have an allergy that is triggered by the reaction that occurs between proteins in the yolk and in the sack containing the whites. Baked goods usually slow/stop the process enough that it doesn't cause any issues, but eating eggs plain, they are not cooked as long, and the reaction is still occurring when you eat them.
It's been real obnoxious when I order eggs at a restaurant now. I feel like they just think I'm trying to be obnoxiously healthy or something