ZombieBunny Oh my gosh, that's such a good and terrible story, haha. I never knew that!
Blue Jay I always assumed the bird, actually! That's really neat!
I like everyone else's stories though. <3 I don't know many of you, but they are lovely~
I love threads like these!
So I suppose I'll put mine out there, I used to always go by "LimeCrayon," actually. For everything! When new sites emerged, I would try to snag "Lime" only, because that also became kind of a nickname.
I did get a few, mind you!
"LimeCrayon," was because at the time I was making a username for a site, and it was one of those "I need to make it now!" but I couldn't think of anything. I was obsessed with lime-flavoured things (and still love them!), and I found a crayon on my desk, so.. Not very original, haha.
But it is "Lime" from actual limes, and not the colour!
My favourite colours are purple, and then pink.