Apparently mosquitos have not evolved into something else - does that mean they were perfect?
"An older sister species with more primitive features was found in Burmese amber that is 90 to 100 million years old. Two mosquito fossils have been found that show very little morphological change in modern mosquitoes against their counterpart from 46 million years ago." ... 13632.htmlScientific Benefits of Mosquitos: discover anesthetics
- When you are bitten by a mosquito, you often do not feel the bite because the mosquito essentially anesthetizes you with his mouth. Some of these anesthetic properties of mosquito saliva have been studied and incorporated in synthetic forms into local and topical anesthetics people use to numb a patient undergoing medical treatment. In addition, according to "Mosquito Info," prototype products have been developed to allow diabetics to test their blood sugar more painlessly with the use of a device resembling the tentacles of the mouth of a mosquito.
- Another positive effect that mosquitoes have is that they can help to pollinate certain plants, especially the aquatic or near-aquatic plants that they spend much of their lives around. By doing so, mosquitoes help perpetuate these plants, which can provide cover and shelter for other animals and organisms. Increased plant life is also helpful as plants engage in the necessary process of photosynthesis, ensuring there is enough oxygen.