Haha soorryy. I can figure both out decently well I guess, but I'm Canadian, so we use Celcius here.
I can't wait to go back home though- as crazy as the weather is, it'll be nice to get my bike out and stuff again! I want to try and be healthy.
And also, I looove cherry willows, if it's what I think they are. Are they really messy? LOL. I see a couple trees back at home, that kinda remind me of mini pink willow trees, so that's why I was curious. But the leaves go EVERYWHERE. And then when they stay on the ground they go all mushy and brown..
I can't wait until the nice weather comes back, because we have a tomato garden in the back of my apartment, which also has peppers, cucumbers, etc. And I decided when summer rolls around I'm going to start trying to make my own tea from scratch.
Also lol! Technically -32C is instant freezing point of water, where you're supposed to be able to throw it outside and it turns to like slushy ice immediately. But yeah, 0C is where things start to go cold, which is easy for us! Is it a positive? Then it's warm. Is it a negative? Then it's cold. It only makes sense! LOL.