My computer some how got wet in the car on the drive back home. I’m not sure how exactly all I can think of is that I had the air conditioning on since it was burning up in the car and condensation developed. But the thing is my computer was the only thing wet. Nothing was wet by it or on it either so really confused how it got wet since nothing would have been able to spill on it.
It’s drying out right now. I Googled ways to fix it. It’s now sitting keyboard down on a towl that is laid out on a wire basket and has a fan blowing on it. They said to leave it for 2 to 3 days and switch out the towel when it’s wet. Hoping that it works after. Really hoping. It’s a custom built computer I got from a family friend in Ohio and I don’t trust anyone else to fix it except this guy. So if it’s not okay after it dries out I’m not sure waht I’m going to do.
I’m having to use my phone right now.