by Lemon Cheesecake » Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:08 pm
I always feel crappy when the barometer changes.
Just discovered I am allergic to finned itchy, felt like my throat was closing up and started throwing up ...although salmon etc always made my mouth itchy, I never reacted like that. I have so many food sensitivities that I have to watch what I eat.
Just saw a program on our guts microbiome and how the bacteria in our gut affects us - not just our health but also our stamina our emotions. Good bacteria fights against diabetes, cancer, obesity. So I am going to check into probiotic supplements and eating more foods with the good bacteria in them ( like yogurt,miso, sauerkraut, dark chocolate, soft cheeses, green peas, ginger beer...not sure I can handle Kefir, Kimchi,natto,umiboshi plums). Better to fix it now before I need a fecal transplant!!
Anyone use/eat probiotics ?