I meant for casual or swim attire ... like on the movie gone with the wind, she made her new dress out of the curtains because she had no material so what would I make the clothes out of if I had no material? (Other then resizing or revamping donated clothes)
and I agree Kit, I doubt normally Lady Pengwing would wear anything she didn't consider aristocratic - but then these aren't normal times and... she is a pengwing so who knows?
That makes sense, Lemon. I kind of imagine that she wouldn't want to wear used (donated) clothing and anything outrageous (but stylish) would be OK. But I don't think she's vain enough to actually fall for a kind of Emperor's New Clothes kind of swindle.
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what? Mine is a fancy dress outfit, not a brunch outfit! Does it look like it is only a brunch? Darn!
(Oh well, what do you expect when you are using curtains and sheers for the dress and a couch button bauble for the brooch and a flower from the flower arrangement?)