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[O/A]Super Useless, a super hero RP!

Moderator: Sanchicho

[O/A]Super Useless, a super hero RP!

Postby Waffles » Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:36 pm

Everybody’s gotta start somewhere...

Welcome to a world full of magic and wonder, and crime and fighters. Your world! To be honest... With less magic, more parlor tricks, and not so much wonder, more… disappointment. One day, after some event or other, you find you have developed a brand new power. A super power! However, after testing your limits you find that useless doesn't even begin to describe the impracticality of it. Nonetheless, you want to stand out from everyone else... Show it off! Use it more! But for what? Good? Or evil?

This is intended to be a comedy RP based on terrible super powers, crime, and DIY justice!

Open to anyone and everyone who wants to join, so please do!

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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:34 pm

Super Useless: Navigation

Postby Waffles » Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:38 pm

Cause, you know. Teleportation down the page a little bit is soooooo helpful...

Within this thread:

Outside this thread:
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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:34 pm

Super Useless: Rules

Postby Waffles » Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:42 pm

Some rules are nothing but old habits people are afraid to change...

    ImageFollow all of Windlyn’s ToS and Rules
    ImageKeep your superpowers, heroes, and villains (as well as what you do with them) appropriate for all ages.
    ImageDo not god-mod other people’s characters
    ImageWhenever you PM me, make sure the subject line is “Pick me! I swear I’m super!”
    ImageDon’t kill anyone’s character off, or fatally wound (or anything like that, for that matter) without checking with the other person. Not saying your character can’t do it, just that we should all play nice.
    ImageWrite at least 1-2 paragraphs each post. Sometimes there isn’t much to do, but you can always describe the setting or your character’s inner turmoil in a lull. It helps give other RPers something to respond to, and helps us all develop this story.
    ImageTry to flesh out your characters, and add some diversity to the mix!
    ImagePlease alert the other players if you will be taking an extended absence.
    ImageTry to not post back and forth with one person all the time. Give everyone a chance!
    ImageHave fun!
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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:34 pm


Postby Waffles » Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:45 pm

Reality is what it is, not what you want it to be...

There comes a time in every organism’s lives where they must act out and transform. A caterpillar turns into a butterfly, a polyp into a jellyfish. Humans, like every other creatures, must face challenges and sorrows that change them. Beyond turning a boy into a man, they change. Some in large ways, but many others in small, undetected forms. They are transmogrified, in each their own way, and pass by-- continuing to live their own lives. Many remain indifferent to their changes, and these individuals will seem normal as can be. But those individuals know-- they’re super.


Our story begins in a not-so-small city. Metal and mechanical, Mahtog spans great distances; both far and high. Inside this city, looming well over the surrounding land, the inhabitants play out their lives as diverse from one another as the buildings that contain them. From day to night, and around again, the streets are always bustling. It truly is a city which never sleeps. By sunlight, the panes on every window glisten and sparkle, driving light into every crevice and corner. By moonlight the neon lights flicker into the darkness, beckoning wary travelers inside.


The city is blocked off into a few main districts:

1: Residential
Mahtog is a large city, with an even larger population. Most of the citizens can only afford small, one or two room apartments. Tops. After a while anyone would get used to the hustle and bustle of their neighbors, and the constant activity and close quarters stop being bothersome.

2: Entertainment
Step right in! Make yourself at home! But don’t sit down. Don’t stop. The entertainment district is the busiest part of the city. In order to increase the amount of advertising sellers get, businessmen and other folk are routed through this area on their way to work just outside. It sits in the heart of the city, filled with malls, arcades, movie theatres, bars, diners, and more!

4: Educational
Home of Mahtog’s most detailed architecture, the educational district hosts public libraries and other facilities, including schools from elementary through university.

5: Production
Mahtog’s main production is oil. A whole district of factories is dedicated to it. Workers are busy, non-stop, from 4:00AM to 9:00PM. After the final bell rings, the factories become ghost towns. Some protest the smoke stacks and pollution, but money does make the world go ‘round.

6: Slums
Here live the poor, impoverished citizens, and the rowdiest of riffraff. Hanging out after dark is never a good idea.

7: Harbor
Mahtog has one harbor, for large shipments and sea-trade. It is generally advised to not drink the water, though children and adolescents will swim in it during the warmer months. For the most part, the water is murky and deceptive. Should anything go missing, it may never be found.

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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:34 pm

Documented Supers (Players)

Postby Waffles » Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:46 pm

Documented Supers
Secrecy, once accepted, becomes an addiction...

    kawaii_desu_chan wrote: "Rad Foe"
    Power name: "Ting Pip"
    Power description: Can communicate with hats and can also throw his fedora like Oddjob but he always misses.
    Summary: Rad Foe has always felt a strong connection with hats. He fights against villains in order to protect magic hats from getting in the wrong hands heads.

    Queen wrote:"Geode"
    Power name: Gemstone Reproduction
    Power description: Can vomit gemstones, however cannot sell or get rid of them afterwards.
    Quick Description: A super prissy 23 yr old, was born into extreme wealth and lived the life of a spoiled brat until her parents died when she was 20. Afterwards she continued to live the life of a spoiled brat, having her servants care for her every whim. A few weeks after their funeral however, she began to experience stomach pains that would only alleviate after vomiting. Only she was vomiting gemstones not bile.. deciding she needs to do something with this newly found power she goes to fight the evil forces of the world.


    Ophelia wrote: "Mourning Glory"
    Power name: "Demensia"
    Power description: Can see into the future, but it's always what won't happen
    Quick Description: Tries to be unique and edgy, but is very soft on the inside. She loves hot topic more than anything else in the world and secretly sings to Mary Lambert in her room while crying over her diary.
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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:34 pm


Postby Waffles » Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:46 pm

When you don’t have an identity, you have to define one on your own...

Want to join the group? You’ll need to be registered in the official (not really) Super Human Documentation System (SHuDoS). Follow the instructions below!

First, please fill out and PM me the following mini-profile:
Code: Select all
I wanna be a:<Villain/Hero. I would like to try to keep the hero/villain ratio pretty even. Help me out?>

Super name: <What’s your title?>
Power name: <Every fancy move needs an equally fancy name>
Power description: < Give your character a useless power! for help try googling pointless/useless superpowers. Keep it appropriate!>
Quick Description: <A little summary of them and what they’re all about>

Appearance undercover: <What do you look like? Please use cartoon/anime pictures. It freaks me out when people use pictures of real live people to rp. Please use spoilers if the image is very large, or resize it.>
Appearance Super: <don’t worry about this line if you don’t have an alternate form. Please use spoilers if the image is very large, or re-size it. If you don’t want to use an image, feel free to write up a description.>

I'll add it to the previous post with the other identified supers!

Once accepted, please fill out and PM me the following character template:
Code: Select all
Appearance Normal: <What do you look like? Please use cartoon/anime pictures. It freaks me out when people use pictures of real live people to rp. >
Real Name: <Name given at birth>
Age: <How old are you?>
Personality: <How do you play with others?>
Background: <Everyone has an origin story...>
Daily Life: <Occupation? Social status? Neighborhood and living conditions? number of friends and family? Anything modern/up to date to help you keep track of your character.>

Appearance Super: < (Optional) If your character is the same super and normal, please erase this line>
Title: <hero/villain handle>
Alignment: <Hero or Villain?>
Sidekick <to>: <(Optional) If you are playing with a buddy and want to form an alliance, say so here! >
Power’s name: <give it a sweet title>
Power Description: <What, exactly, can you do?>
Super Symbol: <(Optional) Batman has his bat, what’s your symbol? >
Theme Song: <(Optional) A link to a song/video. Just for fun.>

Extra: <(Optional) Anything else you want to mention?>
Posting Colors: <We have the ability to make our posts look pretty, let’s do so. :D >
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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:34 pm

Re: Super Useless, a super hero RP!

Postby Waffles » Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:49 pm

Last Reserve?
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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:34 pm

Re: [O/A]Super Useless, a super hero RP!

Postby Waffles » Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:00 pm

Final last reserve.

We are open! Please join!
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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:34 pm

Re: [O/A]Super Useless, a super hero RP!

Postby Waffles » Fri Apr 10, 2015 6:27 pm

Sammie Calico

Scaredy Cat

Sammie stepped briskly down the street, her small cloth flats did very little to keep her feet warm and protected against the cold concrete. At times she was forced to a slow waddle, lifting up each foot and placing it down centimeters away in order to fit the flow of people moving to and fro. The thin blond wanted nothing more than to be getting back into her small apartment-- even if she shared it with a weird, overly attached girl. She turned her body and scuffled sideways, leaning backwards a little to dodge a large man storming past and barely squeezing by without making contact with him. Just a few more blocks and then a quick jog back to the Education District. Mathog wasn't the best place for anti-socials. Once she feared going out into the crowds, so much that she would be physically ailed. But that was no longer the case. It wasn't fear, but wariness. She had lost the fear long ago. Perhaps she became used to the ways of the city, or perhaps there was another reason.

The young woman jumped to the side to dodge a business woman late for something-or-other. As she did so, she bounced against a well bundled man set on a course of direct collision with her. Sammie carelessly stumbled forward. She stepped.



All at once she froze. Her whole body went rigid. There it was, a feeling she knew all too well. The tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood straight up and a deep chill went through her whole being, despite the warm draft coming up from the subway grate just below one of her feet. Sammie gripped her hands into tight fists, they were cold, and sweaty, clammier than if she were running a high fever. And then there was the drop. A sudden sensation of her body falling down into that subway's path hit her. As her mind dropped, her stomach-- still in the real world, came up. She saw herself slipping through the ground, and unable to hold onto anything, falling right under the large metal rims that the train rolled on; getting chopped up and thrown about.

Not even a second later she returned to reality. Having stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, she was bound to get run into very quickly. The instant she was bumped from behind by a young man unwilling to stop moving, she broke free. Still sweating and clenching her fists, she briskly strolled over the grate and bouncing between people--not caring who she touched. From behind her, an exclamation of fear rang out as the young man stepped over the grate himself.

She breathed out, she was, essentially, home free.

I am where? Out and about in the evening!
With who? This whole city
Doing what? Heading home

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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:34 pm

Re: [O/A]Super Useless, a super hero RP!

Postby Ophelia » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:40 pm

† EbØny Rªven Wªy †

Ebony stared at the screen, frustrated after losing an argument. The room was dark, save for a dim laptop screen.

“Alright dumblydor518…” Ebony growled “You win this time.”

She closed the chat tab and got up. She was still in her black broken heart patterned pajamas, despite having been up for three hours. Ebony didn't have classes today. The girl walked somberly to the kitchen. She opened the fridge, running her pink fingernails through her hair. As Ebony picked up the jug of milk, a shiver shot up her spine. A flash of color, she saw the milk spilled all over the floor. Then she was back. The girl looked at the milk and shrugged. She poured herself a glass and walked to the window, leaving the fridge door open, not caring about the contents. She saw her roommate, Sammie, walking up the stairs on her way to the apartment. Ebony grinned ecstatically then shook her hands to calm herself.

“You’re cool Enoby.” The girl reminded herself.

She thought about all the fun things Sammie and her could do if they were better friends. Another flash of color. Sammie and her sitting on the couch braiding each other's hair. Ebony growled and squeezed her glass of milk. She knew her powers were wrong this time, they were just mocking her. Ebony WOULD be friends with Sammie. There was nothing some stupid false future vision could do to stop her. Not like they could reach out and take Sammie away from her.

Ebony took her glass and walked back into her bedroom, a red chat notification popped up on her screen. She whispered curses under her breath then clicked the button to continued her argument. He might have won the first battle, but she would win the war.


Who?: dumblydor518 | What?: Drinking milk and arguing| Where?: Her apartment

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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 7:34 pm

Re: [O/A]Super Useless, a super hero RP!

Postby Queen » Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:39 pm


Maria stretched out, gems rolling off her bed and thumping onto the ground. She would have to have words with the maid about cleaning them up more often. She sat up, gesturing for the butler to place her food tray on her lap. Delicately she picked at the fresh fruit, before eventually sliding out of bed to prepare for the day. Five hours later, she had finally finished getting ready, hair, clothes and make up done to her satisfaction.

As she settled down in her study, she began to cough. A familiar ache appeared in her chest as her maid stepped forward, holding a container, into which Maria delicately spits a few a diamonds and a large ruby into. After waving her off, Maria began to research her illness, as she always did for a few hours every day. As per normal there was very little legitimate information she could use. She had however found a vaguely interesting webcomic about a group of people using power gems to fight crime.

Initially she had dismissed it as pure entertainment, useless in her quest for a cure, however the idea of gem based heroism stuck with her. For why couldn't she use her unwanted powers for good?
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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:34 pm

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