Ina - if you'd rather have an item you can always post the image of the item you want ( or type in the name) instead of getting feathers. That makes it easier for me to just send an item as your prize then try to remember which items you have already or which items I have sent already so that I don't duplicate them or send something not wanted.
┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ I'm responsible for what I post. You're responsible for what you understand. | He/Him | Scorpio | Philippines +8 GMT | Play & Interact with my pets ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
AliCat - do you mean the summer daze eyes my avi has on? I don't have spares to give out, someone had some in a yard sale, Mousy maybe? Akuyi? Were there other ones you were wanting? The shop has a lot of eyes, you have to scroll through. If someone can remind me which ones were just event eyes?
I may have some stupified - that went with the Brighton outfit ones - but they are smiling, if you were wanting them? Not many though as they were a pumpcoin item purchase. If I do you can have them for your daily roll - any particular color? I do have the nervous eyes one (that they look like they are sweating) but again only a couple of each.
Ali, did you look through the eyes in the shop? Not all of them are "happy", like you have on your avatar now which I think are the worry one? I think I have a spare of the green winking one but its with a smile.
So I will send you the feathers for today's roll then.
Have a happy St.Nicholas eve those of you in Europe!