by yorunaka » Mon Jun 19, 2017 8:13 pm
More like I tried to do freelance drawing - just to see if I really wanted it. After a few months, I sorta spiraled into a wreck because I felt I wasn't improving even if I'm putting in work hours on it. Plus, with freelancing, you deal with a lot of rejections. I mean I already knew that to be the case and thought I was ready but at the end of the day, I would think why people rejected me. Was it because they just didn't like my style? Were my prices too expensive? Or do I really just suck and I shouldn't be doing this after all?
The last thing I ever draw that I was actually pretty proud of was [url="]this piece[/url]. After that, I somehow couldn't draw anything remotely good again by my standards. So couple my feeling down about being in a slump and constant rejections, I just lost motivation, I guess
I used to work in different places so I know that my hometown is a place I actually like living in. I don't really like staying with my parents though. On a practical perspective, it's great since even if I contribute money, it's still less than what I have to spend if I live alone. But my dad can be draining to live with sometimes.
There aren't a lot of jobs here though. At least not the type of job I finished university for. I've thought about teaching but my ability of communicating to several people (who have low attention spans on top of everything) is pretty low.
Main thing I understood from this break though is that I really have nothing I particularly REALLY want to do and achieve. I mean I already thought that was the case even before - many years back. But now I TRULY do know it's the case.