by yorunaka » Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:29 pm
My parents are government officials too. My mom in particular is pretty workaholic and while I don't really know what their work situation truly is, I always got the suspicion that she pulls more than her weight since some of her colleagues aren't particularly serious about what they're doing.
In my country, people who graduate with good degrees don't really look at government because the pay rate is much lower plus there's a general stigma that government officials and employees are corrupt (unless they're idealistic and want to change things but that's a different topic altogether). I grew up in a family with 2 parents who work hard in their government posts so even until this day, I still get surprised when I hear of the acts that some shameless officials commit.
And then I got pretty off tangent there. I'm not even sure anymore what I was trying to drive at.
But it's good you like where you're currently at. I think that it's impossible to like everything about the plae you're working at. There'll always be a horrible boss, a really annoying colleague, meager pay - and stuff like that. It's pretty much how life is, I guess. So if it's mostly positive still, it's a good choice to stay.