Maybe everyone is exhausted from all the posting for the event...I know I am catching myself looking for pengwings still... alas they are all corralled and back to their huts and igloos...
Dragoness: I had a longer day at work today then normal Saturday and yesterday was incredibly busy I have no idea what got into people - and it wasn't like I could resolve things quickly wiht them they each had problems I had to research. ugh.
On the bright side - 2 days of in a row (although the holiday is a day off with no pay because I am "part time" which literally means a 40 hour week but a holiday makes a 32 hour week and so it makes me part time because it wasn't a 40 hour week. Go figure. Why don't the unions work on that one!!).
Do you have anything fun planned with your family?
Yaaay! Thank you! Now I have all the colors I wanted. :3 I don't think I'd ever use purple or pink, so I don't really need them. But now that I think about it, yellow looks pretty neat, too.
well, if I ever send you something you don't want then pass it back, so I can pass it on to another newbie, and I will be happy to trade you something else for it!
Sometimes I look at an item and am so-so on the color but then I see how someone else uses it in a combo and I'm like dang that looks good!