So I changed things a bit here, as I am new all I can do is afford wings through paypal (got enough already) and use that as prizes until I can get actual items and what not.
Current Wings: 480 (my total, not prize)
Prizes Go As: If you win
Each Round 1-4 win 50 w
-NOTE- If you skip on claiming round 1 and die in round 2, you have to start completely over again.
Win Round 5 or find the ultimate treasure and you get the next month item completely free in a trade from me. Guaranteed!!!
(Hope to get more items over time)
So welcome welcome, I am the owner of this lovely game. I will take a few vict uh volunteers, sorry wrong word, for this game of mine. Come into my home, read the text, and begin making choices to see if you survive.
PLOT OUTLINE: This will be shorter than my last one but you must survive my home, if you survive until the end, which is all randomly chance no playing favorites. I do not do that. I'll give prizes to those who survive. This will not be a one night game, maybe, if you survive it could last for a week. But do not worry I plan on making sure those who survive get what they should. In a good way XD lol
So who is up for my little game? Let me do some setting up.
Come inside my haunted house you see, step forward ring the bell, knock the door, or scream if you please. You may come in alone but I advise you to bring a friend, so that a pair of you will venture in - Never to return again. Can you beat me? Can you get out of the maze? It changes, turn, twists, and shakes. Thunder roars, lightning strikes, and fire blazes about at night. Can you survive the night? Come inside, but watch out I have guests of all kinds.
Clue Limit: 5
Help Limit: 5
(Clues help you solve things to survive, Help gives you an item you could POSSIBLY use in someway or another)
FYI: Walking in and out will not be how you win.