Be warned. I have gone into a lot of detail haha.
On the stage floor there where four square grates. Two at the front and two at the back. These grates could emit light. Towards the back of the stage there is a wall of pipes. There are two door shapes made from pipes (central and on the right). This is used to represent a street and at other times a corridor (again with light - Blue for street and orange for a domestic scene). Towards the front the stage was connected with the audience entrance doors with walkways on both the left and right sides. These walkways had lanterns hooked onto more pipes.
At the start of the play, the threatre goes into complete darkness. You hear some eerie music that represents a fast heartbeat. One of the grates at the back lights up and you see Jykell on that grate looking like he's struggling to maintain control. The light goes out. Behind the pipe wall it's briefly lit in a blue light, so you can see a silhouette of Hyde. A different grate lights up Jykell is now here and he mentions a dream he had. It goes out again. This happens with all four grates and the pipe wall in between. When Jykell is at the front a spot light is on him as he tries to piece together his dream. In his dream he recalls that he's a "juggernaut", sees a matchstick girl, she's getting closer in his field of vision and he heard screams as the juggernaut knocked down this girl. As Jykell recounts this, it's played out behind the pipe wall, they use the same blue light. As Hyde runs at and attacks the girl the lighting here goes on and off like a heartbeat - in time with the music.
At other times in the play one of the grates is used to represent a fire place in a study, so they made it look like a fire was burning inside it. The doors I mentioned earlier? One could be rolled further onto the stage and they used a simple strip of light at the top to use as a mirror. The lanterns by the front could be picked and carried by the actors.
I found a couple of promo photos of some of the effects if anyone is curious:
It's ashame it was only on for a couple of weeks. I go watch plays about once or twice a year and it's definitely one of the best ones I've seen. It would have been perfect for Halloween.