- I needed to spill this out somewhere, not really any place I can find on google that has a fandom forum or anything. Wikia is extremely laggy and not active..
I want to talk about Leith and Greer and Princess Claude. I AM SO MAD AT GREER. She would not take a risk for someone she loves. She just threw it away... I loved Leith and Greer. UGH. I never even think she really loved Castleroy. I believe Alois. She just needed power to make her father happy. Lola was disowned but she still managed to stay with Narcisse because she loved him. She took that risk. It doesn't mean that Greer's father will never love her.
So now Leith is a body guard for Claude like a baby sitter. They fell in love. I'm not thrilled on the whole Idea as she was soo freakin immature...well she is young... but still.. especially from the beginning. I don't hate her as much now. Then I started to warm up THEN HE FREAKIN DIES. HOW ABOUT THAT... I was actually hoping Claude would marry a good man for once! UGH. WHY IS EVERYONE KILLING PEOPLE'S LOVERS. WHY ELIZABETH.... LOLA WAS LOYAL TO HER QUEEN, YOU ARE SO NAIVE...... jessssusssss. Narcisse will never forgive you!!!!! But back with Leith.... I was loving how he was rising in court. He was the greatest soldier....
I just needed to let it out somehwere.