Lemon Cheesecake Sorry my cats where chasing each other around and it sounded like they were breaking things. Luckily they were not, but geez it sounded like a stampede.
I'm glad too. I would have been so worried if they had. My eldest cat thinks he is still young when he is not and I always fear he is going to get himself hurt.
Lemon Cheesecake Yep, strep is all gone so is the ear infection. I've been doing good. Have not had any flare ups. Though I have been making an effort in not eating anything that will agitate my Crohn's.
Watching what you eat seems to be the key... I am doing the trial and error stuff and after cutting way back on my carbs and fats I notice a difference with cramping and nausea and other issues when I over do it. And there are a lot of choices out there to keep us feeling content ( not sure with Crohn's though so hope you can find enough to eat to feel like you aren't missing out).