Kitalpha Hart wrote:The spoiler is under the spoiler cuz it used to be Lianna's inventory but since it got huge and messy and hard to keep organized I threw it under a spoiler and flipped to grab bags
Apparently "nobody knows" followed by a gigantic ghost is really hard to see by y'all ಠ_ಠ
About all that's left is dresses
- Honestly been debating on replying back because I know I'm going to come off as snippy, but this seems snippy in itself.
I think you misread what I said or something.
I made no mention of why you had a spoiler I didn't ask that. I asked if you were updating the inventory under the spoiler since it was now blank whereas it had previously a list of items under it. And after Nyuu pointed out the list of bases that used to be under that spoiler you specifically said that that list was old and needed an update.
And now moving on to the second. I also said I had noticed the ghost and it's caption of "Nobody knows" above it. I might add that a ghost plus caption is actually kind of vague and can be interpreted in different ways. Hence me saying "I was wondering what that was about." It is hard to not to notice the ghost. And now that you've added the caption under the spoiler saying that's only for when grab bags are not going on, it adds more meaning.
And I honestly don't think people are ignoring that post.
If being rude was not your intention then disregard this, but it did really come off as rude and snippy to me.
Seriously needed to get this off my chest.
^Putting this under a spoiler because.^
I was going to ask what items there were besides dresses, and I'm not referring to clothing so other avatar items, but I'm still broke.
And if what's under the spoiler offends you that was not my intention, I felt I needed to add some clarity.