For many people in the world, it is customary to make a new year prayer. Some visitors wait in long lines for the chance to ring in the new year, literally, by ringing a bell along with their prayer. Local shrines may offer other traditions, such as pulling a fortune, purchasing good luck charms, writing down your wishes, or making offerings to spread your good luck and support the community.
People begin lining up right as dawn breaks after Novalia, coming from all over Windlyn just to participate in what some of the more traditional temples offer. But you know that it can be a super busy time to try to perform your own new years activities. Instead, you and many of the other locals wait until the tourism has died down and make a visit mid or late January. No worries, it is not as if luck will run out!
There is still time to draw your fortune!All the temples and shrines will stop offering New Years fortune pulls Jan 31st, at 11:59:59 WST, so
make time to visit before the period is over!
Draw your New Year's fortune!Chat in the official thread