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Meet the moderator(s)!

Moderator: Systems Admin

Meet the moderator(s)!

Postby Diana » Sun Dec 28, 2014 2:35 pm

Hey Winners!

I figured that this would be a fun way to introduce the new moderators we add. As the site grows bigger it's harder for just me to keep up with reading everything, and these awesome people will be helping regulate content so I can work on making new items and features! They're also people you can go to if you need any help, or want to bring something up. They also help go through reports from users (using the Image button located on posts and pm's) to help keep Windlyn a fun, safe environment for everyone.

Many of our members are new, so they might not have had the chance to get to know these users in the forums, so I put together a nice, quick questionnaire for them to fill out! I tried to ask questions based on reoccurring topics here on Windlyn (which ended up being mainly food.... haha.)

I'll post their replies below!
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Meet the moderator #1: The zombie

Postby Diana » Sun Dec 28, 2014 2:37 pm

Windlyn Username:

Acceptable nicknames?
ZB, zed, bunny, zombie.

Give us a quick introduction!:
    Hello! I like games, art, and techy things! I'm generally pretty agreeable and I lurk the forums, you may not notice me, though. I don't post as much as others. I'm looking forward to being a moderator! I'll try do as good a job as I can!


Favourite food?
Waffle Pizza

Favourite pizza toppings?
Pepperoni and pretty much any other kind of meat I just think it tastes good :P

Favourite game?
Portal :D

Pokemon that best describes you? (Based on a quiz)

Languages you speak/read?
Some Latin

Games, drawing, and other tech things.

How'd you find out about windlyn?
Diana told me about it when it was first starting up, didn't join till a bit later though.

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Meet the moderator #2: The Sanchicho

Postby Diana » Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:02 am

Windlyn Username:

Acceptable nicknames?

Give us a quick introduction!:
    I play a lot of games and listen to music. I look forward to being a moderator.


Favourite food?

Favourite pizza toppings?
Chicken + white sauce

Favourite game?
League of Legends

Pokemon that best describes you? (Based on a quiz)

Languages you speak/read?

Video Games

How'd you find out about windlyn?
Zombiebunny told me about it

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Local time: Thu Feb 13, 2025 12:33 pm

Re: Meet the moderator #3: The SparkleMod

Postby Diana » Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:45 am

Windlyn Username:

Acceptable nicknames?
    Ry, Queen of the Sparkles, (or anything glitter related, really.)

Give us a quick introduction!:
    Soo I'm Australian, which often means I'm on when you guys are asleep!
    I like video games, nail polish and making jewellery~
    Super excited to be a mod, it sounds like so much more fun than my irl job :D
    And yeah hi!


Favourite food?

Favourite pizza toppings?
Pepperoni~ Or Hawaiian

Favourite game?

Pokemon that best describes you? (Based on a quiz)

Read, Nail Polish, Jewellery

How'd you find out about windlyn?
Me and Mousy were website hunting!

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Local time: Thu Feb 13, 2025 12:33 pm

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