[ W E L C O M E ]
- Hi there! Welcome to Dots and Dashes, Mute's personal little art shoppe!
I'm a newbie here at Windlyn (as of writing this) and a pretty big nerd. I'm super passionate
about technology--especially computers--and art. I get overwhelmed by social interactions,
so please bare with me if I hide away in the middle of a chat, I'll usually come back later!
A-Anyway.. I started this thread at first to just play with coding and creating a basic layout
and see how I'd want to set up a portfolio in the (nearby) future, and thought I may as well
go on through with an actual shop. That's how Dots and Dashes was born!
What does the title even mean? Well, my username is mute, and elsewhere I usually type in
morse code (again, love for technology, even oldschool!) under the same name. Morse code
is composed of long and short beeps, and online it's in small and long dots and dashes. Yep.
I won't bug you anymore with my rambling here, but take a look at the rules before my art!