Lol mur and i were just talking about useful shortcuts and tools in drawing programs (Photoshop mostly). Ohh wacom tablets are really decent so you shouldn't run into any bugs. Not sure if you'd like the size though, the small ones are really small. >_>;
Medium! It really depends on what size paper you're used to drawing on, I do a lot of traditional work on A3 paper so I got annoyed at how small my digital surface was. Shortcuts are very helpful! Especially Command Z haha, you can't live without it!
Ohhhh, medium. Wait. That's 21 by 13 cm! That's pretty freggin big still! CTRL Z FOR LIFE! I fiddled with my Photoshop keys so that CTRL+Z is step backwards, not undo. same for CTRL+Y. so much more convenient.
Step backwards and Undo are different commands. By default, Undo is CTRL+Z and is a one-time command, for only one stroke.
Step Backwards by default is CTRL+ALT+Z (I think. I haven't had access to a computer in ages) and lets you undo strokes up to 10~20 times or whatever preset you have entered.
I just use the default, so it's not too much of a problem for me, but then again, most of the time I'm not really doing artsy stuff. Recent years I've pretty much just been cropping a shit ton with PS.