Heya! So I really want a lot of things! I see someone with something, and I think; I want that thing! But I never say anything, or if I do, it's not for sale. The thing is, I don't know what I want when it comes to specifics. I just want every event item I don't have yet. So, if you're looking to sell something, please tell me here, because I'm sure we can come to an agreement. I might not have much for trading, since I don't have many spares of any of my items, but I do have feathers in the thousands, so I'm sure I can meet most prices, as long as they're reasonable. I also don't know every item I'm missing, so I don't know what even exists. Therefore, some of the things I ask for, might not exist, and if that's the case, please let me know.
Currently, what I want the most is anything fairy related, as well as a forest background, (if any exist), and bandages for the legs.
Please don't hesitate to post things you are looking for as well, as I'm sure there will be people who have what you need, and they may frequent this thread. Or not, I don't know. But it's always worth a shot, right?
And with that, I leave the rest in everyone's capable hands. ^^