In storage is my current system for making items. I'm trying to make some ahead of time before school, work, and programming the rest of windlyn consume my life. I release some items as I go, but I've been trying to group similar items together for events or holidays, or just little random themes. haha
And it's cool to talk about it: the items have gotten better. I'm getting the hang of shading more consistently and whatnot.
the stocking-up thing also has helped, I spend more time on an item before releasing it.
It takes me hours to make an item. I used to stream every once in a while, but I haven't in a long time because my internet at home has been bad and I've had a really busy quarter at school.
I want to start doing that again because yall comment on what you like and give me great tips on how I can improve my workflow. And you help keep me motivated