(So I talk about this stuff a lot, and accidentally hijacked the Victober thread, oops.)
(For the purposes of this thread, ‘accessibility’ will be defined as anything that helps a minority group.)
For those who didn’t see the Victober thread, I mentioned there that I’m getting switches to navigate computers (no, not Nintendo. Mine will be two large buttons.) and a software to maximize the usefulness of the switches.
There is a version of the software that uses eye gaze technology, which I was unsuccessful at using. I discussed my thoughts with one of my brothers, and he revealed some people he knows are working on the technology. He doesn’t think a solitary camera is sufficient to capture the nuances of eye movement, which made sense to me.
I also read that there are attempts to bring eye gaze to mobile phones.
I’m interested in how this technology works, and in the case of the mobile version, how it will be priced. Accessibility is really interesting to me, but I’ve frequently found it to come at high cost or have limited availability.
What interesting accessibility/health technology have you heard of or use? Do you do anything to make tech accessible to you?