I was trying to identify some different bumble bees I noticed on my flowers this year and found that you can help record bees by uploading pictures of the bees you find onto www.bumblebeewatch.org where " you might help us to find remnant populations of rare species before they go extinct. "
Joey is a male sea otter pup believed to be just 10 days old when he was rescued. He was discovered near Kyuquot after a concerned member of the public heard him vocalizing overnight on July 2 and discovered a deceased adult sea otter in the area, presumed to be his mother, the next morning. https://mmrpatients.org/patient/el2001-joey/
I was talking to someone who said that she just got hired to do mushroom counts in the area. They go take photo's & document the types of mushrooms growing...locations (under oak trees for example) & amount.
We had a huge variety of mushrooms pop up around us this winter, some I had not seen before.
I saw someone in my village forging for mushrooms a whole a go. I really hoped they knew what they were doing. Some edible mushrooms look identical to poisonous ones!
Windlyn is so fun, Windlyn is so grand, So come on everyone, All across the land, Come and join us now, In this awesome site, We will show you how, Talking through the night. ~npixelz
The local restaurants have to put up wasp traps because people can not sit outside to eat without having them fly onto their food. Not a bite I'd like to take by mistake!