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best places to store food: fridge/freezer/pantry

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best places to store food: fridge/freezer/pantry

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:53 pm

To limit food waste, and extend the life — and optimal flavor of your food — follow our simple guidelines for storage.


Ketchup/mustard: Because of their high vinegar (acidy) content, these can be stored safely at room temperature for a few weeks. To extend the shelf life and flavor of these condiments, put them in the fridge, where they'll be good for several months.

Cheese: Because cheese remains flavorful and fresh for several months in the fridge, avoid freezing sliced or block cheese to extend life. When thawed, the texture changes, making it crumbly and losing flavor.

Fresh pasta (like tortellini): Store in the fridge and buy what you'll use in a few days, because frozen fresh pasta can become very chewy after thawing. Low temperatures change the texture.

Vacuum-sealed smoked fish/deli meats: These are meant to be stored in the fridge for extended periods — with a suggested "use by" date of several months. That's the date until you open them. Once the package is opened, it's good for up to five days in the fridge.

Fried chicken: Avoid freezing, as the crust tends to fall off and crumble when thawed. It's best to prepare what you can eat within three to five days. If frozen, the chicken is safe to eat, but flavor, texture, and appearance will be reduced.

Lemon meringue pie: This is one pie that does not freeze well and will separate when thawed. The result won't be a creamy pie with a puffy egg white cover, but can be runny and with a deflated top.

Brown rice: The whole grain shell of the brown rice can spoil in your pantry at room temperature, so it's best to keep in the fridge for longer term storage. But white rice can be stored in the pantry safely.

Related: Chicken, beef and bread: How to freeze your food without the burn


Coffee: An airtight container is the key to keeping coffee fresh. While freshness is maintained with a small amount kept at room temperature and used quickly, it's best to freeze larger amounts of ground coffee to optimize freshness. Add a recloseable bag before freezing if you're not sure your container is air tight. It's good for months with optimal flavor.

Nuts: With such a high fat content, nuts can lose flavor and freshness, and even become rancid if kept at room temperature for too long. Keep your nuts in an airtight container or recloseable bag before freezing to keep them fresh and tasty for up to a year.

Bacon: While the suggested "use by" date for bacon can be several months, once the package is opened, it should be consumed within the next seven days for food safety. To avoid spoilage and waste, freeze your bacon after opening. Divide into single serving sizes for convenience, and thaw in the fridge or microwave prior to cooking using whatever method you prefer.

PANTRY (room temperature):

Tomatoes: Considered "fruits," tomatoes should not be refrigerated because they'll lose flavor rapidly. They will continue to ripen at room temperature, developing additional umami taste.

White flour: While white flour is stable in your pantry (keep the opened bag in a recloseable bag or separate container), whole wheat flour does need to be refrigerated. The whole grain parts can easily become spoiled at room temperature.

Whole fruit: A bowl of whole fresh fruit on your table is a healthful reminder for daily eating. Fresh fruit will continue to ripen at room temperature, so plan to leave it out for no more than about five days. To avoid spoilage, keep extra fruit in the fridge where it will not ripen at cooler temperatures.

Madelyn Fernstrom is NBC News Health and Nutrition Editor. Follow her @drfernstrom.

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How well are you storing your foods? When's the last time you looked at expiration dates?
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Re: best places to store food: fridge/freezer/pantry

Postby Mousy » Sat Mar 12, 2016 8:09 pm

We did a massive cleaning of the pantry in January and found some things that had expired in 2013. Whoops! Haha

We've been experimenting with freezing leftovers just to see how well they'll hold up when reheated. If it turns out bad, it's okay because that food would have been wasted anyway. I have a really hard time cooking for 2 people and if it doesn't get frozen, it usually gets thrown out.
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Re: best places to store food: fridge/freezer/pantry

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sun Mar 13, 2016 12:11 am

We don't usually freeze left over stuff...other then cut up fruit for smoothies... but we do eat a lot of "leftovers" for dinner. But I will buy frozen ravioli or pre-made packaged frozen dinners.

I hate when they write the expiration date so that you can't figure out what year it is... like today I was looking at a label that said "16 Dec 14" - does that mean the 16th of December 2014 or 2016 Dec 14 - on one hand it would be 2 years old and on the other hand it would still be good!One might make me sick and the other be fine!! < I'm so confused...>
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Re: best places to store food: fridge/freezer/pantry

Postby dragoness129 » Fri Mar 18, 2016 1:37 pm

Yep, the confusing labels are terrible! Just write everything like Month day year please and thank you companies!
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Re: best places to store food: fridge/freezer/pantry

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:58 pm

and then the "best By" date can be a little confusing too because sometimes it is still good by that date and sometimes it has gone bad since you opened it.

Then there is the "freeze or use by" on the packages. So I freeze it by that date and then how long is it good in the freezer? If I defrost it then how long is it good for?
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