It's looking good! I like the info you are putting in, makes me want to delve deeper into the info!
I don't know if you are just working on the layout and will add more later - here are suggestions I would add/look for to do on a site:
Were you interested in being able to click on the photo of each sister and doing a hyperlink to the information of each (like on another page)? As it stands you have it set so that you are not able to access any other information by clicking on a photo.
For example, on the bottom of the home page you have "links". You could attach these links to your photo's - for example the picture of the parsonage would go to the link for the parsonage. It is an easy find then for people.
Is there a link that people can go to to research the little book collection in more detail or to put more info on the history related to the little books? I loved the idea of the little books, here's a site that allows you to "zoom" into look closer at the little books. (I don't know what the rules are in using images). ... tle-books/It also mentioned that the sisters MADE their own books:
"These ‘little books’, only a few centimetres in size, were hand-made by Charlotte, Emily and Anne. They consist of paper scraps sewn into covers made from everyday items such as sugar bags and wallpaper. "
Were you interested in "padding" or border around the pages? Putting a photo in the background and your title/header "ontop" of the photo?
If you see a website you like, right click the mouse on it, choose inspect and it will show you the code for that site. That might give you a practical look at how the code is written if you like the layout.