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New here looking for friends

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New here looking for friends

Postby Toastaphonix » Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:02 am

Just started on here today, looking for people to chat with so shoot me a pm anytime!
A bit about me-
I am 26, I work as a baker and at some point an assistant bakery manager, I am pregnant with my first child, unoffcially engaged(he wants to do it right and we don't have the money with the kid on the way lol), I live in the US in Tennessee and absolutely love living here because of the mountains but I also fell in love with the people here.
Fishing, D&D, gaming(mostly solo rpgs or ESO), hiking, cooking, watching tv and movies, and apparently waking up at 2-3am ever since being pregnant.
Horror stuff, cuddles with the love of my life, general nerd talk, nature, hypothetical scenarios, comedy, dad jokes, 9gag
I am typically a sarcastic individual who will make a few puns and groan-worthy dad jokes. I have zero tolorance for bs and liars and value loyalty above anything else. I am easy-going and just like a good, engaging conversation to pass the time so feel free to shoot me a message anytime or hit me up if you see me in forums.

You should probably talk to me cause it might be entertaining at some point. I don't know what you're interested in so I might not be your "cup of tea" but could probably get a chuckle or sharp nose exhale out of you.
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Local time: Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:19 am

Re: New here looking for friends

Postby ShiroGEM » Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:13 am

Welcome to Windlyn!! We're always up for a chat here :smile:
I think especially with the current pandemic, waiting is definitely a good idea, but i'm excited for you! Are you living in the suburbs? Must be beautiful there!

I've gotten into D&D as well quite recently, currently doing Storm King's Thunder and a campaign my friend had homebrewed. What's your play style? Have you ever DMed?
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Re: New here looking for friends

Postby Toastaphonix » Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:33 am

ShiroGEM wrote:Welcome to Windlyn!! We're always up for a chat here :smile:
I think especially with the current pandemic, waiting is definitely a good idea, but i'm excited for you! Are you living in the suburbs? Must be beautiful there!

I've gotten into D&D as well quite recently, currently doing Storm King's Thunder and a campaign my friend had homebrewed. What's your play style? Have you ever DMed?

Thanks! Yeah that's mostly the reason I came here. It's hard to hangout with people so online chatting helps. Plus you can only play the same games so many times before you wanna blow your brains out lol. I used to live in apartments in the city but I live out in the mountains right now. Not entirely like away from society but a 5 minute drive and I'm surrounded by mountains so it's nice.

Homebrew stuff is always fun for sure and one of the many reasons I love D&D! My group and I play 5e and I do dm usually. Haven't played in a while since we had to move but working on setting up a campaign here in the next few weeks for everyone. I'm gonna try just an open world type with no story to start but as my players progress and interact with the world around them they basically create their own story by making enemies and all that. What other stuff are you interested in?
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Local time: Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:19 am

Re: New here looking for friends

Postby ShiroGEM » Tue Aug 11, 2020 8:08 am

:smile: I love it here. I think i've gotten accustomed to online chatting over my lifetime but I do miss in person contact from time to time~ At least it's not too far away! I'm definitely more of a city person, the quietness and slowness of living in the suburb is unsettling to me c':

Ooo so you're the type to homebrew your campaigns? I definitely love how unexpected and ominous things in homebrew can be, since one can't just google the types of monsters that commonly appear in prewritten campaigns. (As a new player, definitely can say 5E is definitely the easier one haha) DMing and homebrew is a lot of work though, props to you!! I hope you and your players have a lot of fun C:

I've been really into daily journaling since quarantine started, mostly because I can't remember what I did in the past 24 hours and it really helps me keep track of what i've been doing. But the downside is that I've been obsessed with decorative stationery so now i'm decluttering my room to accommodate for the new things that make me happy. I'm actually considering starting a D&D journal becauseI have a terrible habit of not taking notes for potential useful information xD
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Local time: Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:19 pm

Re: New here looking for friends

Postby Toastaphonix » Tue Aug 11, 2020 8:22 am

ShiroGEM wrote::smile: I love it here. I think i've gotten accustomed to online chatting over my lifetime but I do miss in person contact from time to time~ At least it's not too far away! I'm definitely more of a city person, the quietness and slowness of living in the suburb is unsettling to me c':

Ooo so you're the type to homebrew your campaigns? I definitely love how unexpected and ominous things in homebrew can be, since one can't just google the types of monsters that commonly appear in prewritten campaigns. (As a new player, definitely can say 5E is definitely the easier one haha) DMing and homebrew is a lot of work though, props to you!! I hope you and your players have a lot of fun C:

I've been really into daily journaling since quarantine started, mostly because I can't remember what I did in the past 24 hours and it really helps me keep track of what i've been doing. But the downside is that I've been obsessed with decorative stationery so now i'm decluttering my room to accommodate for the new things that make me happy. I'm actually considering starting a D&D journal becauseI have a terrible habit of not taking notes for potential useful information xD

It certainly seems chill here and I like all the different items. I can't wait to see new event items when another event comes by. I enjoy online talking as well as face to face but I get enough from work I think and only go out when I have to since I don't want to get sick lol.

I just love creating stuff and when my players enjoy the npcs and world I build it makes me happy. This one is from the ground up though. I'm making a world history as well as hidden relics and lore where they can discover what is thought to be lost history. It's a challenge for sure but it's something I'm looking forward to trying. Yeah my group is pretty good about not metagaming. If their character has decent intelligence they'll ask "does my character know anything about this creature" and depending on their roll they know if it has any resistances or immunities and if they fail they'll act as their character would so if the creature is resistant or immune to fire but their character is prone to casting fire spells and the player knows the immunities they'll still do a fire spell if they fail the check for if they know the creature. They understand failure is what makes the game interesting and I appreciate that.

I need to get better at journal stuff. I am terrible about all of that. But I guess that comes from my go with the flow type personality. I just exist day to day and take mental pictures and notes that usually fail me cause I have terrible memory. I am getting into scrapbooking though cause I want to do that for my kids so I figure I might as well start sooner rather than later. Also nive stationary is for sure something to look at. I'll buy a cute printed paper and not even need it for anything. I have a weakness for cute things.

I like being near the city which is part of why I love where I live. You can live in the heart of a city but only be like 20-30 minutes away from completely surrounded by nature. I came here on vacation about 3 or 4 years ago and just had to move here and it worked cause my company has just recently expanded into this state so I was able to transfer stores. Things have been wonderful ever since and my life has made drastic changes for the better. I am fortunate for where I ended up for sure! Tell me about where you live if you feel up to it. I like hearing about new places.
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Local time: Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:19 am

Re: New here looking for friends

Postby ShiroGEM » Tue Aug 11, 2020 9:33 am

The art style is definitely one of the things that drew me in here! And with how slow paced things are, I can basically lurk in every thread and not miss a thing :smile: I went on a break during the summer haha but i'm back now and definitely looking forward to drawing more items so I hope you stick around! Not getting sick is definitely a perk to staying home, as well as sleeping more C:

I love when the DM spices things up with interesting NPCs! That sounds super exciting too :cheer: Does sound like a long campaign though, are you setting it in the stereotypical D&D fantasy world? I know some friends who are doing Sci-fi settings as well~

Haha for my group, we don't metagame because we're all new to this (even the DM). It was really confusing at first but we're all getting the hang of it now. We're all learning about the world through the eyes of our characters. Rolling int checks and the like is always really fun, especially when the outcome is either really low or a nat 20! Then something interesting happens xD Until a character dies, then it isn't that fun haha

Getting one to document your kid's growth is definitely a good reason to begin! Have a space where your kid can work in it as well as you so you have both sides to the story, and a good bonding experience. I definitely regret that most of my childhood things were digital and school work related. I had to go through a bunch to declutter them and it doesn't really signify my growth as much as i'd like.

I feel you on the nice papers, I have a bunch of old origami papers that I bought 10 years ago but never used and now i'm glad they have a purpose now. I'm also addicted to washi tape, stickers and stamps.. someone stop me :strain:

Ohhh that's good! it's like having the best of both worlds, never being too far from either of them! I'm glad your work gave you the opportunity to move somewhere you like being too :cheer:

Hmm It's kind of weird talking about Hong Kong since it's the only place i've lived long term, but I do have some scope of comparison because I go to Taiwan quite often (not since the pandemic began though). It's like extreme city life but I live on a hill so i'm surrounded by trees, and if you take the bus for 20 minutes you get to one of the busiest economic areas of the city. I'm trying to avoid going out now because of the pandemic but also every time I leave I always feel like I have to spend money, it's one of the curses of this city honestly, everything is driven on retail. :scream: But I LOVE how convenient transportation is and how diverse the food culture is too!
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Local time: Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:19 pm

Re: New here looking for friends

Postby galled » Tue Aug 11, 2020 9:39 am

Hello, again! (I started in another thread.)

Ooo, I'm a big movie fan! Although I feel like a lot of new TV shows (from streaming platforms) are typically better than movies these days. A friend recommended ZOE with Ewan McGregor last night (from 2018). It looks interesting and I've always like movies with Ewan in it. We'll try to watch it this weekend.

Have you seen anything you've liked lately? Do you have an favorite movies?

Congrats on your upcoming bundle of joy! When are you due?

Sarcasm is funny when it's not mean (against the TOS of course!). I find it amazing these days--it literally seems like more than half of the population has no sense of humor and will take things someone says literally and be outraged by it when it seems pretty obvious to those of us with sarcastic thoughts know it's a joke/funny. I guess this is where smilies really help! ;)

re: hypothetical scenarios, that reminds me--Imagining a world with no hypothetical situations. :)
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Re: New here looking for friends

Postby Toastaphonix » Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:07 pm

ShiroGEM wrote:The art style is definitely one of the things that drew me in here! And with how slow paced things are, I can basically lurk in every thread and not miss a thing :smile: I went on a break during the summer haha but i'm back now and definitely looking forward to drawing more items so I hope you stick around! Not getting sick is definitely a perk to staying home, as well as sleeping more C:

I love when the DM spices things up with interesting NPCs! That sounds super exciting too :cheer: Does sound like a long campaign though, are you setting it in the stereotypical D&D fantasy world? I know some friends who are doing Sci-fi settings as well~

Haha for my group, we don't metagame because we're all new to this (even the DM). It was really confusing at first but we're all getting the hang of it now. We're all learning about the world through the eyes of our characters. Rolling int checks and the like is always really fun, especially when the outcome is either really low or a nat 20! Then something interesting happens xD Until a character dies, then it isn't that fun haha

Getting one to document your kid's growth is definitely a good reason to begin! Have a space where your kid can work in it as well as you so you have both sides to the story, and a good bonding experience. I definitely regret that most of my childhood things were digital and school work related. I had to go through a bunch to declutter them and it doesn't really signify my growth as much as i'd like.

I feel you on the nice papers, I have a bunch of old origami papers that I bought 10 years ago but never used and now i'm glad they have a purpose now. I'm also addicted to washi tape, stickers and stamps.. someone stop me :strain:

Ohhh that's good! it's like having the best of both worlds, never being too far from either of them! I'm glad your work gave you the opportunity to move somewhere you like being too :cheer:

Hmm It's kind of weird talking about Hong Kong since it's the only place i've lived long term, but I do have some scope of comparison because I go to Taiwan quite often (not since the pandemic began though). It's like extreme city life but I live on a hill so i'm surrounded by trees, and if you take the bus for 20 minutes you get to one of the busiest economic areas of the city. I'm trying to avoid going out now because of the pandemic but also every time I leave I always feel like I have to spend money, it's one of the curses of this city honestly, everything is driven on retail. :scream: But I LOVE how convenient transportation is and how diverse the food culture is too!

The art on here is definitely what drew me in too, plus the forum style. I was a long time gaia user after tinierme shut down but the community just became too toxic and hard to talk to people on there. Everyone here seems chill though and I'm more interesred in having conversations than begging for items. I only wish I knew of this site sooner! I wish I could get some sleep but this kid is at the stage where he is kicking and I keep waking up everytime he kicks. I don't know if you've ever experienced it or ever can/want to, but the best way I can describe it is just imagine a really strong muscle spasm but in your belly. I'm hoping I'll get used to it but I've been up and down every night since like 2am cause of it.

I'm sticking with the typical fantasy/medieval style since I'm homebrewing large aspects of it since it's a bit easier to stick to that versus making it in a different style. I did do a modern campaign once before but that one was a bit tricky since you had to mix modern technologies to where it worked with the dice rolls and everything. I would like to make a better structured modern style campaign though.

I remember when I first played I was extremely confused but I have about 4 years of experience now and know a lot of monsters and spells by memory now. I like to have my players suggest things to me that we make into a real thing like one we did was a meme one of them found that brought up the idea of using a reaction to change a spell, like fireball into firebolt and the meme called it Otto Correct like Otto's Irresistible Dance so we added it to our campaign.

My childhood was filled with all sorts of arts and crafts and having fun. My mom was heavy into letting kids be kids and even ran daycare and fostercare and had an open-door policy for all the kids in the neighborhood so we were always doing all sorts of kid stuff. I actually want to follow in her footsteps if I can with the daycare part of it. My boyfriend wants to be the breadwinner so I figured I could do that while he's out working and make some money on the side as well as have friends for my kids to play with.

Living in the city is convenient for sure but it is hard to find stuff to do for free. I do like going shopping every now and then and really enjoy hanging out at a nice cafe. Plus it's nice when you find a good restaurant to chill at. We have this used book store where most books are like $1-$5 and they're in very good condition. I got all sorts of amazing cookbooks for next to nothing! Perks of the city
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Local time: Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:19 am

Re: New here looking for friends

Postby Toastaphonix » Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:24 pm

galled wrote:Hello, again! (I started in another thread.)

Ooo, I'm a big movie fan! Although I feel like a lot of new TV shows (from streaming platforms) are typically better than movies these days. A friend recommended ZOE with Ewan McGregor last night (from 2018). It looks interesting and I've always like movies with Ewan in it. We'll try to watch it this weekend.

Have you seen anything you've liked lately? Do you have an favorite movies?

Congrats on your upcoming bundle of joy! When are you due?

Sarcasm is funny when it's not mean (against the TOS of course!). I find it amazing these days--it literally seems like more than half of the population has no sense of humor and will take things someone says literally and be outraged by it when it seems pretty obvious to those of us with sarcastic thoughts know it's a joke/funny. I guess this is where smilies really help! ;)

re: hypothetical scenarios, that reminds me--Imagining a world with no hypothetical situations. :)

Hi nice to meet you thanks for popping in! It is hard finding good movies but I've found some netflix original movies are really good. I like horrors and comedies most of all but some actions captivate me if they're good. A movie I watched recently that I really liked is The Wrong Missey. It is full of all sorts of awkward scenarios but my god is it hilarious. I end up watching a good amount of shows too usually with my boyfriend cause we have the same taste. We recently binged Space Force and can't wait for a season 2. I haven't watched ZOE yet I might have to check that one out. Is it on a streaming service? My favorite movie of all time has to be Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I have watched it god knows how many times and can watch it anytime. My favorite horror is 28 Days Later, it is what got me into zombies when I was younger so always a special place in my heart. What are some of your favorites?

We are due December 22nd but from what I heard a lot of women tend to be late with their first pregnancy so we'll see when he decides to come. I can say with how much he's kicking he feels ready to pop out right now.

I'm not rudely sarcastic unless someone is being rude to me. Typically my sarcasm is funny and entirely situational and usually comes as a response to questions about me or when I'm asked about a situation I was in or describing an interaction with a wonderful Karen from work, gotta really love those cause they are a great source of entertainment.

My hypotheticals usually end in the most ridiculous situations but tend to come randomly when answering a simple hypothetical question like when my boyfriend and I were talking about our unofficial wedding plans when we get married in our future. It ended with us fortnite dancing to Old Gregg singing Love Games. Just completely off the wall stuff.
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Local time: Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:19 am

Re: New here looking for friends

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Tue Aug 11, 2020 5:16 pm

The "love of your life" sounds so supportive and romantic and fun!Great he wants to work to give you time to focus on the baby...the first months are so important but many new Mom's rush back to work. You haven't even got your body back in sync for the first 6 weeks!
Many pregnant women complain they want the "baby out' but that's when the work starts! You can lug it around without feeding, burping, changing etc it, when it is still inside! But you can share the "work" when the baby is out into the world.
Did you get an ultrasound? The technology today is amazing, how clear it is. Your Mom sounds like she will be a big support. If you moved does that mean she lives far away?

Will you be nursing the baby?

Kind of a scary time for you with the whole covid thing, but maybe you had it already and didn't know? I recommend you are strict with visitor's until the baby is at least a month old...just to be on the safe side, even a cold sore can have detrimental effects on a baby's system ...not everyone knows that.

I went to Tennessee once, it was very green, a little humid which I wasn't expecting. I've been fortunate to travel to some very beautiful places. I do like living where I am though even if it is a little dry in the summer.
Come visit my game threads and participate in my charity adventure. Everyone on Windlyn is helpful and most of us like to chat!
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Local time: Thu Jun 06, 2024 3:19 am

Re: New here looking for friends

Postby Toastaphonix » Tue Aug 11, 2020 6:47 pm

Lemon Cheesecake wrote:The "love of your life" sounds so supportive and romantic and fun!Great he wants to work to give you time to focus on the baby...the first months are so important but many new Mom's rush back to work. You haven't even got your body back in sync for the first 6 weeks!
Many pregnant women complain they want the "baby out' but that's when the work starts! You can lug it around without feeding, burping, changing etc it, when it is still inside! But you can share the "work" when the baby is out into the world.
Did you get an ultrasound? The technology today is amazing, how clear it is. Your Mom sounds like she will be a big support. If you moved does that mean she lives far away?

Will you be nursing the baby?

Kind of a scary time for you with the whole covid thing, but maybe you had it already and didn't know? I recommend you are strict with visitor's until the baby is at least a month old...just to be on the safe side, even a cold sore can have detrimental effects on a baby's system ...not everyone knows that.

I went to Tennessee once, it was very green, a little humid which I wasn't expecting. I've been fortunate to travel to some very beautiful places. I do like living where I am though even if it is a little dry in the summer.
Come visit my game threads and participate in my charity adventure. Everyone on Windlyn is helpful and most of us like to chat!

Thank you so much for your help! The community here seems very friendly and I absolutely love that. The term "love of my life" is one I never believed in until I met him. I was actually at the point I was going to give up the pursuit entirely and just have an occasional one night stand but he's honestly the most amazing person I've ever met and he feels the same way about me. I've never had someone who was so appreciative and supportive before and we've had disagreements but never a full on arguement. We both meet in the middle you know? Most healthy relationship I've ever been in too.

I want to keep this little dude in forever to keep him safe from the world, especially with this pandemic going on. With how much he moves though it's almost like he's trying to burst out early lol.

We get some humid days here but I came from Florida so there's not many places that compare to the humidity there. I just love being around the mountains. I will for sure visit your threads and I look forward to talking to you some more.
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Local time: Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:19 am

Re: New here looking for friends

Postby RaeChan » Tue Aug 11, 2020 7:28 pm

Haiiii Toasty!!! :)
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Local time: Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:19 am


Re: New here looking for friends

Postby ShiroGEM » Tue Aug 11, 2020 8:52 pm

Love having conversations! This place is like my safe place for them :cheer: I agree about gaia though, i'm not sure if it's because of how many users there are, plus the economic model and the fact that the userbase has grown up a lot more. But it seems as though there's a lot of negativity on there. I avoid the forums and dress up my avatar sometimes but I definitely don't like starting threads there :tongue:

Baby is being cheeky :wink: my mother always complained that I was a nocturnal baby. Maybe temporarily flipping your sleep schedule may benefit, but I am no doctor haha

I see! For me personally getting used to medieval fantasy was a bit difficult because I am more accustomed to how Asian media portrays fantasy, stuff like Xianxia, Japanese folklore etc. I had to google "flails" because my cleric uses one and I was like "what's that?" xD A modern campaign does sound really fun!! but I also can't stop thinking about how it enables this:

4 years is a long time! I've been playing for around 4 months now, give or take~ I aspire to be as good as to not have to open 300 tabs as a spell caster :strain:
Pfft I see what you guys did there, I always get firebolt and fireball mixed up so it's a good thing my sorcerer only knows firebolt and not the other. (Rolls a nat 1-) How do you balance homebrew mechanics like that?

That sounds like a very fun job to have, love nurturing the creativity in kids! :cheer: Also a nice way to socialise with other kids too~ What age group do daycares usually work with? I'm glad that you and your boyfriend have things pretty much figured out already :)

Most definitely... even sitting in a nice cafe is super expensive here :worry: used to shell out to play D&D outside because it's rare to find a place that doesn't kick you out after 2 hours
I miss second hand book stores a lot! Thrifting is not really a thing here, but I do find some interesting vintage stuff once in a while :3 What are some of your favourite cookbooks that you've gotten and perhaps used?
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Local time: Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:19 pm

Re: New here looking for friends

Postby galled » Wed Aug 12, 2020 8:40 am

Toastaphonix wrote:Hi nice to meet you thanks for popping in! It is hard finding good movies but I've found some netflix original movies are really good. I like horrors and comedies most of all but some actions captivate me if they're good.

IKR, all of the good shows and movie are from non-traditional studios these days. The movie studios seem to have lost their way. They can only make uber-expensive reboots and comic book movies. Who would have thunk it that the new guys would eat the old establishment's lunches?

Toastaphonix wrote:A movie I watched recently that I really liked is The Wrong Missey. It is full of all sorts of awkward scenarios but my god is it hilarious.

I put it on the list!

Toastaphonix wrote:We recently binged Space Force and can't wait for a season 2.

I haven't heard of it (well, other than Trump's/US's new branch of the military. Added to list!

Toastaphonix wrote:I haven't watched ZOE yet I might have to check that one out. Is it on a streaming service?

Yes. Amazon Prime, Netflix--probably all of the usual places too. We'll watch it this weekend. The friend that recommended it knows movies (former actor in Hollywood) and what we like. I'll let you know what I think after we've seen it.

Toastaphonix wrote:My favorite movie of all time has to be Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I have watched it god knows how many times and can watch it anytime.

OMG, me too! LOL I can almost recite the whole movie word for word! :cheer:

Toastaphonix wrote:My favorite horror is 28 Days Later, it is what got me into zombies when I was younger so always a special place in my heart. What are some of your favorites?

I think 28 days is one of the best zombie movies. I kinda burned out on zombie movies/culture after the Walking Dead. To this day, I think my favorite in the genre is The Shining. But I think a lot of the older black and white horror movies freak me out more than the new blood and gore/gratuitous violence ones that became popular since. But I am fascinated by the make-up/FX in them. But not as much as the CG stuff--it just looks fake.

Toastaphonix wrote:We are due December 22nd but from what I heard a lot of women tend to be late with their first pregnancy so we'll see when he decides to come. I can say with how much he's kicking he feels ready to pop out right now.

You're having a Christmas baby! What a wonderful gift! :heart:

Toastaphonix wrote:I'm not rudely sarcastic unless someone is being rude to me. Typically my sarcasm is funny and entirely situational and usually comes as a response to questions about me or when I'm asked about a situation I was in or describing an interaction with a wonderful Karen from work, gotta really love those cause they are a great source of entertainment.

I'm like that too. I find humor in pretty much everything. :grin_wink:

Toastaphonix wrote:My hypotheticals usually end in the most ridiculous situations but tend to come randomly when answering a simple hypothetical question like when my boyfriend and I were talking about our unofficial wedding plans when we get married in our future. It ended with us fortnite dancing to Old Gregg singing Love Games. Just completely off the wall stuff.

OK, gotcha! That's like Monty Python humor then--absurd humor (they of course do it all, word-play, etc.).

I hope you're having a great day!
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Re: New here looking for friends

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Thu Aug 20, 2020 4:39 pm

How are you feeling?

Getting any good baby items on sale?

The only thing I recall from Monty Python are " nobody expects the Spanish inquisition" and "bring out the dead"...then again I have not watched it as many times as some people I know!
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Local time: Thu Jun 06, 2024 3:19 am

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