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The Void

Moderator: Ryvvi

The Void

Postby npixelz » Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:52 am

Have you ever heard of screaming into the void? Well, that's what this place is for. All those thoughts you keep inside, that bundle and bounce around your brain driving you crazy, all those random thoughts you have that you don't think are important enough to tell anyone, they can go here. Just scream them into the void. I find writing things out is therapeutic, it helps to bring my thoughts out of my brain and give them form. That's what I want this place to be. Random thoughts, dark thoughts, stress, etc, it can all go here. There's no need for anyone to reply to anyone's thoughts, since that's not what this place is for. If you have a thought that you need to let out, but you don't need anyone's advice or opinion, put it here. I'm sure it'll help with any stress you may be having.
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Re: The Void

Postby npixelz » Sat Aug 18, 2018 10:01 am

I often wonder if my parents regret adopting me and my siblings. I sometimes wonder if my friends regret being my friends. I sometimes wonder if those who've helped me throughout out my life regret it. I wonder if people regret knowing me. I think I would. I've caused so much pain and strife for so many people that I wonder what anyone saw in me, or sees in me now. I know I can't see it. I think I'll forever be trying to pay back everyone who's helped me, and to atone for all the pain I've caused.

The word weird is weird. The rule is I before E except after C, yet in weird, the I goes after E, and there is no C! If animals could talk, they'd probably have a lot of secrets to tell about the world, things humans have never thought of, but to them, it's obvious and simple. Sword. Just, sword. I randomly think the word sword. I don't know why, I just do.

That's it for now! Hope you all enjoy this thread! ^^
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Re: The Void

Postby npixelz » Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:54 pm

Why do I try to do anything? It never turns out right. I am doomed to fail at everything.
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