I really like shopping on avatar sites.
So that's the first thing I did when I got here.
My avatar is hairless because he's a punk. I wish there were mohawks here.
Anyways, you can call me Astral, Vegas, K, or Ky.
I'm 19, live in southeastern America, and work at Hardee's. I have three cats and a sister.
I prefer neutral pronouns, and I always have male avatars.
Speaking of avatars, these ones remind me of TinierMe (is that what you were going for?).
I like writing/roleplaying (although I don't do it often because I'm lazy), drawing, playing video games...
I like creating original characters and the universe they live in. I'm close to 90 characters (have probably exceeded that by now), and I'm already moving on to planet two. I love creating things -- worlds, creatures, all that. c:
I really love food and music.
And this is like, my millionth avatar site, lol.