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The Good Ship Guilty [OPEN]

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Re: The Good Ship Guilty [OPEN]

Postby npixelz » Mon Dec 10, 2018 7:59 pm

That's good.

Well, if it's uneventful, then that also means that nothing too bad is happening, so that's a plus.

Not much. I'm just a NEET right now.
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Re: The Good Ship Guilty [OPEN]

Postby Cremuex » Tue Dec 11, 2018 1:18 pm

Aww, that's ok. I'm a NEET too.

Kinda weird question, but is NEET a normal word where you are? Like do most people know what that is if you said it in a conversation? I only know it from Osomatsu-san anime so whenever I hear it I just remember that show. I know it was obviously used in English first I just don't know many people that know what that is.
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Re: The Good Ship Guilty [OPEN]

Postby npixelz » Tue Dec 11, 2018 8:32 pm

Nah, not many people I've spoken to know what it is. Even after it was used in Doki Doki Literature Club. I just use it because it works with what's happening in my life.
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Re: The Good Ship Guilty [OPEN]

Postby Cremuex » Tue Dec 11, 2018 9:12 pm

Ah, cool. I haven't read that visual novel (or sim or whatever it's classified as). I'd get sad about the characters having depression. Was it a good game?
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Re: The Good Ship Guilty [OPEN]

Postby npixelz » Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:49 pm

It was an amazing game. I got scared of it when things started getting creepy, and I hated Monika, but now both Monika and Natauki are my waifus. Yes, I have waifus. I'm a nerd, fight me. (Don't really fight me, please).
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Re: The Good Ship Guilty [OPEN]

Postby Cremuex » Wed Dec 12, 2018 12:27 am

Heh, oh man, you don't need to worry about me judging you for having feels for fictional characters.

I've had my share of fictional husbandos (Sanji from One Piece was a pretty big one for me back when I was still watching it, Saitama from One Punch was my last crush). I've kinda stopped being interested in them now that I have someone I can snuggle with for realsies though.

Was Monika the one that kinda got psychopathic and you have to go into the game files to delete her?

I don't mind Otaku or Weeaboos or whatever they're called. If you enjoy something and it's not hurting anyone than you should do it.

I wouldn't fight you fam. Unless it was like Smash or something, which I am very bad at btw.
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Re: The Good Ship Guilty [OPEN]

Postby npixelz » Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:45 pm

Alrighty, that's good, then.

Yeah, maybe that'll happen to me, too, if and when I get someone to snuggle with.

Yes. But she had her reasons.

Yeah! Exactly! And that's something that was discussed in Doki Doki, as well!

Lol. I'm not that great, either. Though I've been getting better. Here's the thing, though; all my irl friends got Smash when it came out, and so did I. However, it's a Christmas gift, so I can't play it until after I get it at Christmas. Meaning, they'll have unlocked every character and gotten used to the controls while I'll be stuck losing over and over again, just like when I first started playing it. ;-;
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Re: The Good Ship Guilty [OPEN]

Postby Cremuex » Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:45 pm

You can have internet snuggles and cuddles if you'd like? It's not really the same though. I'd give you IRL hugs if you lived anywhere near me. Being in Aus normally means everyone is overseas though.

Aww man, that's a shame that you can't play it before Christmas. I get that it's a Christmas present and all but if it's not a surprise I don't see the harm in playing it before hand and just being like "Thanks for the game, I really enjoyed it" on the day.

Well, my partner says that some characters are really similar to how they played in brawl if that helps? Like Young link is how normal link used to be played.

I was trying to play Isabelle from Animal Crossing but I keep forgetting how to do the jump and float thing from where you've been pushed off the stage. I can always play during the day while my partner is at work but all I really do is mash buttons and not actually have a strategy or anything. It kinda defeats the purpose if on Christmas you get it and then you ignore your family in a frenzied attempt to catch up to everyone else.

I'm more of a Mario Party person. The mini games are really fun. 2019 looks like a good year for me in terms of Nintendo games. Pokemon RPG in the second half of 2019 and also Welcome to Animal Crossing in the same year. I hope Isabelle is still in it, even though the preview looks like Nook will be the assistant now. It's just not the same without best girl Isaboo.
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Re: The Good Ship Guilty [OPEN]

Postby npixelz » Thu Dec 13, 2018 8:13 pm


Yeah. All my friends want me to play it, so they can play it with me, but my mom isn't going to change her mind.

I see. That might help. I mained as Link after winning a match as him, so that's useful information.

You mean the up special/recovery? I suppose it can be difficult to remember the controls if you're not used to them. That was my strategy when I first started as well; mash buttons and hope I don't kill myself. Nah, that's usually how it is. The day after we all go into our separate rooms and use the gifts we got. It's part of the tradition. But this year we're spending Christmas at my aunts, so that tradition, along with multiple others, is broken.

Mario Party has a tendency to ruin friendships, apparently. It didn't ruin the friendship I have with my friends when we played it, but it has been known to ruin others. That's good. I'm excited for the new Pokemon game. I don't play Animal Crossing games, but I'm happy for you that it's coming out.
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Local time: Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:36 pm

Re: The Good Ship Guilty [OPEN]

Postby Cremuex » Thu Dec 13, 2018 8:57 pm

Yeah, the recovery thing, I'm not really good at using any of the specials. My partner tried to get me to practice doing the same combos multiple times in a row and I'm just bad at timing (like how you have to tap the direction and the button at the same time), Isabelle has a pretty powerful knock back from her fishing rod attack so I try and spam it.

You could always try and meet your friends in person and play with them on their switch, unless your mum doesn't want you to play it at all until you get it.

It's never ruined any friendships I've had either. I guess it's like how people storm off in the middle of monopoly or something. It helps if your not super competitive or play with people who just want to have fun and don't care if they lose. I remember playing the mario party games as a kid and getting red palms from having to rotate the joystick so quickly, so it's kinda got a bit of nostalgia for me. I do like Monty Mole in the new game though. I like how he drums his chubby belly when he wins. Cute little round boi.

I hope it keeps some of the features from Pokemon Lets Go! I like being able to pet the pokemon like in pokemon Amie and stuff. I heard a rumour that it's going to use a bit more strategy so I dunno if it'll be like mystery dungeon (which I've never played) or if they're going to have a new region and new pokemon come out for it. Information on it has been sparse though.
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Re: The Good Ship Guilty [OPEN]

Postby galled » Thu Dec 13, 2018 9:25 pm

LOL, I pictured rage quitting Monopoly in my head... flip the board and storm out of the room. :)
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Re: The Good Ship Guilty [OPEN]

Postby npixelz » Fri Dec 14, 2018 9:06 pm

Yeah, it's a bit hard when you have to press a direction at the same time. It's even harder when you have to do it at the EXACT same time, like for smash attacks. My friend group usually frowns upon spamming, but if that's what you're good at, it makes sense to do it.

Yeah, except they live a teensy bit far away. And I don't want any spoilers.

Yeah. If you're competitive, it'll probably make you rage quit, and maybe even ruin your friendships. That does sound cute.

I heard it'll be another main series game, a new RPG.

Lol, that is funny.
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