Setting-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reality is what it is, not what you want it to be...There comes a time in every organism’s lives where they must act out and transform. A caterpillar turns into a butterfly, a polyp into a jellyfish. Humans, like every other creatures, must face challenges and sorrows that change them. Beyond turning a boy into a man, they change. Some in large ways, but many others in small, undetected forms. They are transmogrified, in each their own way, and pass by-- continuing to live their own lives. Many remain indifferent to their changes, and these individuals will seem normal as can be. But those individuals know-- they’re super.
Our story begins in a not-so-small city. Metal and mechanical, Mahtog spans great distances; both far and high. Inside this city, looming well over the surrounding land, the inhabitants play out their lives as diverse from one another as the buildings that contain them. From day to night, and around again, the streets are always bustling. It truly is a city which never sleeps. By sunlight, the panes on every window glisten and sparkle, driving light into every crevice and corner. By moonlight the neon lights flicker into the darkness, beckoning wary travelers inside.
The city is blocked off into a few main districts:
1: Residential

Mahtog is a large city, with an even larger population. Most of the citizens can only afford small, one or two room apartments. Tops. After a while anyone would get used to the hustle and bustle of their neighbors, and the constant activity and close quarters stop being bothersome.
2: Entertainment

Step right in! Make yourself at home! But don’t sit down. Don’t stop. The entertainment district is the busiest part of the city. In order to increase the amount of advertising sellers get, businessmen and other folk are routed through this area on their way to work just outside. It sits in the heart of the city, filled with malls, arcades, movie theatres, bars, diners, and more!
4: Educational

Home of Mahtog’s most detailed architecture, the educational district hosts public libraries and other facilities, including schools from elementary through university.
5: Production

Mahtog’s main production is oil. A whole district of factories is dedicated to it. Workers are busy, non-stop, from 4:00AM to 9:00PM. After the final bell rings, the factories become ghost towns. Some protest the smoke stacks and pollution, but money does make the world go ‘round.
6: Slums

Here live the poor, impoverished citizens, and the rowdiest of riffraff. Hanging out after dark is never a good idea.
7: Harbor

Mahtog has one harbor, for large shipments and sea-trade. It is generally advised to not drink the water, though children and adolescents will swim in it during the warmer months. For the most part, the water is murky and deceptive. Should anything go missing, it may never be found.